Jemi S.A. Maximizes European Union Grant to Develop Photovoltaic Systems

02 Feb, 2024

Jemi S.A. Maximizes European Union Grant to Develop Photovoltaic Systems

In line with our ongoing commitment to sustainability and innovation, we are pleased to announce that Jemi S.A., a leader in the design and manufacturing of industrial kitchens, has successfully secured grants from the European Union for the implementation of photovoltaic systems at two of our strategic locations: Barcelona and Montcada i Reixac. These projects, supported by the incentive program of the European Union’s Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan – Next Generation EU, represent significant strides towards a greener and more energy-efficient future.

The photovoltaic installation in Barcelona, boasting a capacity of 111.78 kW, has been the recipient of a generous grant of 20,930.81 euros. This project is part of the incentive program for self-consumption and storage, promoting renewable energy sources and thermal systems in the residential sector. The European Union, through Next Generation EU, has financially endorsed this initiative, which will contribute to reducing our carbon footprint and promoting the transition to a more sustainable model.

In Montcada i Reixac, Jemi S.A. has secured a grant of 11,785.00 euros for the installation of a photovoltaic plant with a capacity of 51.84 kW. Similar to the Barcelona project, this aligns with the objectives of the European Union’s Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan, underscoring Jemi S.A.’s commitment to implementing renewable technologies for the benefit of the environment and the community.

These efforts will strengthen the energy independence of our facilities, contributing to the advancement of sustainable economy in the region. Clean energy generation and the reduction of carbon emissions are fundamental elements in our corporate responsibility strategy.

We express our gratitude to the European Union for their financial support through Next Generation EU. This backing enables us to progress initiatives that benefit not only Jemi S.A. but also contribute to the overall well-being and achievement of sustainability goals at the European level. We continue to work tirelessly for the excellence of professional kitchens, integrating sustainability at every step.